Archive for 2013
Vocaloid song of the week: The "Me" in me
I found this song on youtube, its pretty sad, you can cry if u like :P Actually i cried too when first time i heard it This song even sadder than this (below) ya know, in my opinion
But still, i need your help. How to insert music to this site without using Audioboo or YouTube
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Going to make a music site on wordpress
Forget about that girls above first
I'm going to make a music site on wordpress special for you! I hope so... If this can access other sites... Well, that's the news that i've been promised to made, right? Hehe
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Recommended Mobile Game of the week: Devil Maker: Tokyo
It's a card game i found, it's similar to Ayakashi Ghost Guild but it's much better than it.
The advantages of this game are:
- A cooler way to explore. We can battle other devils easily. Plus it using choose-it method from choosing one of three cards
- Cooler conversation. Every character's face can change according to their feelings in the story mode. Even the Devils like Yamatano Orochi and Azazel (Story mode)
- Easy to get rare cards. Just use the ticket and use Premium summon. It also make you get rarity 4-5 easier.
- Membership. You can able to save data and transfer it everywhere. Don't need facebook or twitter
- High quality graphics
- Easy to upgrade cards. Well there are a lot of upgrades you can use but the ingrediest, it'seasy to find more
- Easy to acquire a fully or half-fully evolved cards in the explore mode or summon
- Can acquire boss card. Don't need negotiations like Ayakashi does
- You can ask for a help from your friends to fight a boss card. Each card that your friends' have just need about 10 minutes for recovery
- No health needed. No need to worry when investigate, we use the light as the health. And every investigation needs light points.
- Mini album feature. If you complete one of them, you'll able to receive rewards and also see the conversation of your own cards.
- Available for KakaoTalk
- A hard way to read the cards. I don't know few of the attributes
- Battle, you can't see the progress of it. You must wait about 10 minutes or longer to see the results. It just so unfair!
If you're interested. You can download it from IOs' Apple App Store and Google play (Play store)
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Recomended mobile game,
Vocaloid song of the month: World is mine and Don't say lazy (K-on)
Ahh.... another one that i found here. It's a great song, i like it. Oh yeah, i wanna show you my fav K-on song and here it is
(My fav K-on Song is Don't Say Lazy :P)
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Vocaloid music of the month: Triple Baka
Haha! At last i found moar VOCALOID SONGS! This time is a little bit hyper....
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Recommended Mobile game of the month: ayakashi ghost guild
Another fun game i found... A bit boring i guess....
It's like a card game, similar to Devil Maker by Palmple, Valkyrie crusade by nubee, or blah blah and more. Oh yeah, if you're already download this game... Plz add me, instanly though send your invitation ID to my email,
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Recomended mobile game,
Pinkies Hyperactive chat: New Address
I've heard that PHC is moving to it's new web address. That's why u guys have poblem to open it.
If it's still not working 'till now, Click here to play!
Plus they say there'll be an update! New version, ver alpha 0.1
Enjoy the game and get more news about it (I take da infos in the forum!)
Losing off skill
Since i used poster paint to paint my dearly beloved pictures that i drew on paper, i realize that i'm almost losing my skills on using crayons. Before i use paint, i win every competition. But now, i almost got on drop! From now on i will stop all of my paint business, back to crayons.... And can any one cheer me up to do this? T^T
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Something i want this time
Uhh... can i have a little time with you, guys. Is anyone can tell me the link to download Mirai Suenaga game, though... I don't know the link but can you tell me the link?!
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Project: New theme
Instead of using the old funky theme. I'll change the theme from black to green, to give you a joyful sensation. I'm still working on new ideas, i'll add a diary here if i need to...
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Recommended mobile game of the week: Valkyrie Crusade
Sort of card game. I've ever played, it's fun but a bit... umm... nevermind. But the most important, watch out for the card pictures. Some of them are... yuck! I've ever found one which is 100% so yuck. So just ignore that thing, okay.
Vocaloid music of the week: Butterfly on your right shoulder
There's a Len version of this,but i think Rin version is cooler than Len version> But most of it, enjoy
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Vocaloid music of the week: Black rock shooter
This is one of my favorite Vocaloid music. Black Rock Shooter! I love this song because it's nice. You can play the original music video above (Sorry for the dirty look of Miku)
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10 packs unique facts: Red Kangaroo
Kangaroo is the most famous Australian animal after koala. Here's some thing you have to know about them:
- They protect themselves by punching the peredators/anything that disturbs them. Also the main attack in battles and fights.
- Group of Kangaroos called as "Mobs"
- In Modern life, fighting kangaroos are called as "Kangaroo Boxing"
- The word 'Kangaroo" are from a word "Gangurru"
- Male Kangaroos called bucks, boomers, jacks, or old men. And the females called does, flyers, or jills. Young kangaroos called Joey
- Even it's an unofficial symbol of Australia, they used as the emblem of australian coats which have arms
- Kangaroos ever had a "Blindness" disease in 1994
- Kangaroos are impoertant animal for the Australian Aborigines
- Young kangaroos must stay in their mother's pocket until their age is 20 months
- This animal is a marsupial which is the member of macropodidae
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This Blog's official wallpaper download for free!
I've made an official wallpaper for this blog. So let's have a view of it
Beautiful huh? If you want it, you can save it for free!
How to deal with LESS UPDATE (KUDET)!
Are you a less update person?
I've got some informations that can make you become updated 100%.
these are few steps to make you become updated 100%:
- Learn about the cartoons which are popular on DeviantArt
- Be a fan of US-pop/K-pop/ID-pop/J-pop
- If you're good at drawing, try to draw using Computer/Tablet/iPad
- If you're a girl, be a pegasister
- Eat this:

Easy right? Try it one by one!
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Happy Ramadhan
For those who celebrates Eid Mubarak/Aidul Fitri/Lebaran. I wish you for a happy Idul Fitri. I hope you forgive what i've done in real life. Also for those out there, happy summer
Holiday trip
I'll go to the resort spa sooner. It's in the Tangkuban Parahu mountain. I'll be there for 3 days 2 nights. This web ill be improved if my dad brings the laptop and the internet. And for those who goes to their hometown, good luck on your way. And for people out there, happy summer
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